New sensation

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by EuDxKing, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. Me and a close friend of mine have been looking to try new drugs.

    We like psychadelics, but theres only a limit to what we can find.
    Shrooms, Acid, Salvia........
    I was thinking opium, not too sure.
    What drugs do you think are really good to try?
  2. Thats a really open question and could vary hugly on different peoples perferances. i would suggest talking about the kind of high/euthoria you are looking to get from a drug and go from there.
    if your looking for psychadelics? as you said you liked them? then 1 of the 3 you named would prety much be all you need, salvia being the shortest lasting but most intense. (not that im recomending, i dont like salvia beacause i feel its changed me, but thats a different thread)
    whatever new drug you decide to try be sure to do your research on it! but im sure you know that already....... good luck
  3. Try ketamine?
  4. Opium is REAL good, just make sure you get real stuff
  5. Heroin, meth, pcp
  6. Opium is real nice, but usually real hard to find. Don't get that 'red rock' bullshit they sell as opium either.
  7. NO! NO!!!!
    meth,pcp,heroin,and crack are the 4 I never want to try and the ones anyone should never try,
  8. I'm hoping this is sarcasm.
    and opium is very hard to find.

    but what ever.
    still looking.
    either way.
    Looking for something to do with a few friends.
    and just really really enjoy.

  9. Ecstasy
  10. There are plenty of ways to broaden your experience.

    I myself like smoking some kind about 30 minuters after mushroom ingestion. It can sometimes make the trip a little hard to hang onto and it tends to clutter the mind with thoughts but I like it :)

    Shrooms/Acid + X can be an enjoyable experience if dosed moderately.

    There are a few wierd drugs out there that are definitely not recreational. LSA/Nutmeg/Datura/Mescaline are some examples

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