New run peach ozz

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Rodgerrabbit1208, Sep 21, 2023.

  1. Hi everyone new here just thought I’d share my progress on this run it’s peach ozz and if anyone has ran her before I’d love any advice as she is completely new to me we’re on day 9 from cuttings I’ll post some pics of the build and the girls I’m using a refrigerated van back air tight new environment only ran once in this and had to re designed it and scale down to 12 plants I first ran 25 in her but was a nightmare to control the environment A8E69035-67BD-403F-8E5E-741D9304ED94.jpeg A625F5A5-6F6C-4EE5-9767-AEBCDCF8F3C1.jpeg A8E69035-67BD-403F-8E5E-741D9304ED94.jpeg A625F5A5-6F6C-4EE5-9767-AEBCDCF8F3C1.jpeg 7933D4B0-5746-4580-943A-FC3E4BCBEE98.jpeg 6913AE65-F016-43C3-BFE5-C4AE977C800B.jpeg F8A16515-3804-42EF-8405-CC0C24C396F7.jpeg 28A107F5-CE97-4B03-8EEE-C096A6BE3742.jpeg BE74CE26-4AC1-4CED-8C7C-817A67A5535F.jpeg 97AC76E2-7625-4684-90B9-B2D2E1007BFB.jpeg 034C6554-A52F-4CB1-9865-0E6E45DB8AE1.jpeg 7363713C-C6E8-430A-8761-5741EC24EB1E.jpeg 44490147-53B1-4BEB-A679-1C5EBC907D65.jpeg A8E69035-67BD-403F-8E5E-741D9304ED94.jpeg A625F5A5-6F6C-4EE5-9767-AEBCDCF8F3C1.jpeg 7933D4B0-5746-4580-943A-FC3E4BCBEE98.jpeg 6913AE65-F016-43C3-BFE5-C4AE977C800B.jpeg F8A16515-3804-42EF-8405-CC0C24C396F7.jpeg 28A107F5-CE97-4B03-8EEE-C096A6BE3742.jpeg BE74CE26-4AC1-4CED-8C7C-817A67A5535F.jpeg 97AC76E2-7625-4684-90B9-B2D2E1007BFB.jpeg 034C6554-A52F-4CB1-9865-0E6E45DB8AE1.jpeg 7363713C-C6E8-430A-8761-5741EC24EB1E.jpeg 44490147-53B1-4BEB-A679-1C5EBC907D65.jpeg
    • Like Like x 2
  2. #2 Vee, Sep 21, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. I think you need more full size pics to scroll through.......:rolleyes:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Hi @Rodgerrabbit1208 what's up doc :D
    welcome to the forums. Looks like you are on the right track.
  5. Usually you guys ask for more pics I’ll leave them out next time
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Hi thanks like I say never ran these before have to see what happens lol
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  7. You don't need to leave them out brother..........just do thumbnails instead of full size.
  8. questions for OP:
    1) were cuttings acquired from commercial grower or grower to grower? I ask bc I wanted to grow that strain.
    2) were cuttings sent 2 day air? Or overnight? I ask bc I just received cuttings and the over night route was too $$.
    3) how are you keeping that space cool?
    Thanks in advance.
  9. The cuttings were from a grower here in the uk who got the strain shipped these are the first run of cuts from the mother I’m using a 10inch extractor to carbon filter and got an 8inch for the air in other than that the room is sealed at the moment I’m running 2 600w hps got a dehumidifier 20l for when the time comes currently got 2 humidifier in there as the extractor pulls a lot of humidity out the room hope this answers your question mate sorry I’m new to this forum stuff I’m old school
  10. Ok mate no problem I’ll post less pics aswell only threw them up as it was the first post just trying give some insight into what I’m doing or try to do
  11. i see..... so you are exchanging the air but not conditioning it in any way. Love the pix btw. keep them coming.
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  12. Yes just exchanging they are old refrigerator van backs I have a couple of them just joined these 2 together so I have the main room and then a smaller veg room with an electric room at the back separate if all goes well this set up can drop every 8-9 weeks using the 2 containers no heat leak and as they are installed for when they was a fridge they hold the heat real nice and are so easy to control the environment well my last run was difficult as it wasn’t air tight so it was hard to get temps n humidity sitting right now tho after alot of headache it seems to be all running perfectly I’ll keep you updated
  13. Rockin hps like me. What size lights and grow area?
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  14. Yes old school lights but I’m in the uk so there good for heat for me and Iv always used them lol 600w and the space is about 3m by 2m and hight is about 2.5m running a 10inch out take and 8 intake 4 fans in the room 2 humidifier and 1 dehumidifier for when it’s needed mate
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  15. New build part of the containers joined together hopefully Iv worked everything out ok and they will both run side by side almost ready for wrap small veg room this set up I’m aiming for a drop every 8 weeks flower room drop and then move the vegging over got an electric room at the back of this one will be used for the cuttings

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  16. I like hps and metal halide. I might move to LED 1 day but I have only harvested 3 other grows indoors before my current 1. I want to continue to see how good I can get with hps before switch at least. During cold weather I use a space heater in my bedroom anyway so most of the time the hps light also helps me go without the space heater well half the time anyway and 1 thing here in southern Alabama it doesn't get too cold. It gets bitter a few times during winter like down to 12 Fahrenheit for example was the coldest temperature last year and 31 Fahrenheit during the day but most of the time average is 45 day and 30 nights.
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  17. The weather here is all over the place mate can be red hot then drop to -5 during the night even -10 so the lights help massive I use an oil heater to but I have just purchased 2 bar heater only 40w each so low running costs and they work just fine for me I want to try led maybe after a couple more grows first I’m trying all new strains to me I usually grow Stardawg I can get that amazing now minimum 5oz a plant and all tight buds I ran runtz and a few other my last one didn’t do so well so trying peach ozz now hopefully the preform well if not back to Stardawg
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  18. Some of my Stardawg from last crop I did of that only just finished it had a jar 4months sadly smoked it all now

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  19. Sorry 3month ago that one

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