Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by GrapDutchDrizzy, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. whoooo:hello:

    [ame=]YouTube - Redman - Oh My... Reggie Noble 9/12 Second Single CDQ[/ame]

    Real>>>hip hop^^^^
  2. fucking awesome!

  3. this is what ive been waiting for man:smoke:
  4. Shitt.. ive just been waiting on redman, PERIOD. He disappeared for a minute.. came with blackout 2, which was mediocre at best in my opinion.. c'mon Red, we miss ya man.
  5. Word. I've been bumpin' Dare Iz A Darkside a lot lately. I hope this new album is ill.
  6. greta minds think alike mannnn:smoking:

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