new reader!. what books would you recommend

Discussion in 'The Bookshelf' started by Hash breatha, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. I would be interested in stories of people overcoming a situation, or sci fi gallactic battles or just some cool sci fi fictional ...I know star wars is the shit but don't want to read about it need something different and new ..what are books you would recomend?
  2. michael crichton son

    read his books yo
  3. Dune is pretty dope.
  4. Was just about to suggest Dune.

    Starship Troopers is a great military sci-fi book. As is the Horus Heresy series (particularly Horus Rising, Legion, A Thousand Sons and The First Heretic). I know you said no Star Wars but Darth Plagueis is a ridiculously good book, involves pretty much every pre-Phantom Menace piece of EU work in some way and is a great political thriller too.
  5. [quote name='"Helikaon"']Was just about to suggest Dune.

    Starship Troopers is a great military sci-fi book. As is the Horus Heresy series (particularly Horus Rising, Legion, A Thousand Sons and The First Heretic). I know you said no Star Wars but Darth Plagueis is a ridiculously good book, involves pretty much every pre-Phantom Menace piece of EU work in some way and is a great political thriller too.[/quote]

    Ha I ended up getting that book darth pledeus. I knew I would be into it cause its starwars there story lines are badass.. ill look in to those books
  6. Anything by Isaac Asimov.

    Maybe start with the Foundation series or Pebble in the Sky. The Gods Themselves is fucking amazing as well.

    He's the grandmaster of sci fi, no one but Frank Herbert can touch him in my humble opinion.

    Also Philip K Dick is really good, Do Android Dream of Electronic Sheep is amazing, laugh out loud funny, really cool setting, he writes well and it also explores a lot of pretty deep ideas.
  7. Pretty much what's in this thread, starting with entry-level scifi will just leaving you hating it. Dune is a brilliant novel but some people get bored with it pretty quickly due to the fact that it doesn't really explain a lot and keeps throwing random nouns at you at the start. Stick through it.

    Just finished re-reading Dune for what's probably the tenth time. For a scifi series it touches on some really interesting (and if more people understood it, controversial) ideas. It's just a shame I can't get sting out of my head.
  8. Arthur C. Clarke is one of my favorites in the Sci-Fi realm.

    Also 420StonedPanda's suggestions are nice. If you're interested in really learning something Asimov is the way to go, extremely intelligent guy.
  9. [quote name='"TripRollnToke"']Arthur C. Clarke is one of my favorites in the Sci-Fi realm.[/quote]

    he is probably my favorite author. what a brilliant mind.
  10. ^^^

    Childhood's End is an unbelievably brilliant book.
  11. Gone series by Michael Grant. AH-MAZ-ING

    The Giver series by Lois Lowry( Soon to have a fourth book)

    The Uglies Series by I don't remember lol

    The Maze Runner series by I also don't remember lmao

    All of these are set in future dystopian societies, with the exception of the Gone series, but they form their own dystopian society lol

    I love books with dystopian aspects. Would love suggestions as well :D
  12. not sci-fi, but i would suggest reading the clockwork orange by anthony burgess. some john steinbeck is good too. or if youre into zombies, max brooks

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