new pipe/ 1/8th og hash

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ronron1790, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. No pictures? WTF.
  2. man you cant say that without putting pics up otherwise knowones interested.
  3. fuck you op I'm dry starting today and haven't had hash in a coons age so fuck u man fuck u..
  4. nice .... name ..... oh boy something is rising and its not jesus
  5. Troll Ass middle schooler whos ditching Summer School this year
    Your avatar killed my boner. I can't stand staring at a girls butthole, it just bothers me.
  7. Get yourself a 4 piece grinder, I put the kief into a pollen press and boom! Nice disk of blonde hash, and the best part is that it's for free!

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