New pieces from Portland, OR

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by RandyLahey, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. I just picked these pieces up in Portland, OR. The slide and Sherlock were done by Kraig. The Sherlock was a custom piece he made for me, and it turned out better than I was expecting. It is awesome.

    The little spoon was from Nomad Crossing, and it was blown by a local guy who's name escapes me (if you recognize the artist, feel free to chime in. Apparently, he is Hawaiian). The stash jar just looked cool, and I have no idea who made it.

  2. wow the lines on that sherlock are so clean nice pipes
  3. damn, that sherlock is intense. i bet it smokes great.
  4. that sherlock is gorgeous!
  5. love the work on the sherly. the other pieces are very nice too!
  6. Thanks for the comments. Yeah, the sherlock really is amazing. it is even cooler in real life!
  7. Sick glass man, I love the the blue theme. Especially like the bowl, nice to see some design on a smaller bowl, I personally don't like the huge round bowls.
  8. Awesome pieces, man!
    Nomad Crossing is a nice little place. The employees there have always been way cool whenever I stop by. :smoking:
  9. Nice glass man I really dig the sherlock and the stash jar
  10. that slide is really sweet. I like the white handle and I am a huge fan of those swirls.
  11. The marbles on the lock are sweet. lovin the sig

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