First you think weedstar glass cost 800 dollars then you say this zob bong is fake? I myself have never seen any reproduction fake zob bongs but hey you act like you know your shit But anyways... Sick bong man i've always loved the style of the wubbler and very interested in how much you picked this up for.. She's a beauty!
Right on guys. Im really beginning to like stemless pieces. They just clear sooo quickly. Oh yea I picked her up for 180 flat. Good deal or no? Btw I need to name her still. Any suggestions?
Sweet pickup. That doesn't look like a stemless though. It looks like a fixed stem perc similar to a stemline.
I think a lot of people call it stemless if it lacks a removable downstem. aka, showerheads, inlines, waffles all have stems, they are just fixed. sick bong. call it wubbler.
180 sounds like an awesome price to me.. I'd pay that.. Did u get it online? If so where cuz i'm buyin one haha..
Great pickup man..i've had my zob wubbler 8arm perc for over a year now and still love it..never seen a stemless one before thats real nasty
Nice Zob dude. I have the diffused downstem Wubbler 8 arm. These things hit amazingly. Zob makes a killer bong. Totally jealous of the stemless. I got my wubbler like 3 weeks ago and the shop here just got those in this week. Enjoy!
Nice zob man. They have some really cool designs and seem pretty solid. This piece however is not stemless as someone said before. It is a fixed stem.
I just picked one of these up. I got it and case for it for $190. It is a fantastic piece and hits like a champ