new piece! sexay as helll! big pics too!

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by heyitsmeallen, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. #1 heyitsmeallen, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    high all! my friend blows glass and this piece came out a little crooked so he sold it to me for 25 bucks :]
    its got some nice work in it!

    what do my fellow blades think?

    more to come
  2. bump for all pics up:]
    now to smoke the first bowl:smoke:
  3. That one looks pretty :) ! I really like the color scheme..

    Have fun with that:smoke:!

  4. oh i definitely will :]
  5. Wow that is a sick sherlock, and for 25 bucks he hooked you up with that one :smoke:

  6. i know :hello: i have great friends
  7. Love it! That kick stand is sick. What a deal!
  8. it's not really my taste but for 25 bucks who cares what it look like
  9. Very nice. I dig it.
  10. Decent piece for a lovely up some toking pics and let us know how that thing rips

  11. she fills up thick and clears fast :] i am extremely pleased with this pickup.
  12. Looks like nice little pipe man. Great price too. Enjoy it.

  13. thanks... now i just need to think of a name
  14. Something Cinnamon-y comes to my mind..But anyhoo dont listen to me. pick a memorable name so in the future you could just be like " MAAANN i remember how that [Cinnamon] RIPPED"! :D

  15. i was thinking seuss because it looks like something out of dr seuss..

  16. I'd have to agree. Seuss seems like a good name :)
  17. damn nice piece, try not to shank anyone with that.
  18. i think its staying seuss! so pumped!!
  19. i think you should cut your nails bro
  20. Nice lookin piece cool colors!

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