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new piece, need protection!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SuburbanDankies, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. so i need a new way to protect my new piece!
    its nothing special, just a nice looking small hammer i got, easy for concealed smoking with ghosting hits.
    i always break my pieces, accidents happen, and since this is the on-the-go bowl i wanna be careful.
    any ideas of something to carry it in/protect it? Like one of those mesh cases for a creative guys!
    It fits comfortably in my pocket, you can see my pokemon yellow version in one of the pics as size reference.
    also, if you guys have any name ideas, im open
    thanks a bunch

    Attached Files:

  2. It's a small piece for a reason, you can hide it pretty much anywhere. Personally I just wrap mine in a bunch of tissues and stick in a bag full of tissues. Nobody wants to reach and dig inside a bag full of tissues that could be used.
  3. My bubbler is a bit bigger than yours so what i do is wrap it in a t-shirt and carry that in a drawstring bag (not sure if thats the right name, but like a small sports bag).
  4. Kevlar...can't go wrong with kevlar.
  5. It looks small enough to fit into one of those portable tissue packets that kids always hold onto for their dear lives in the winter. If it fits in there, that's a pretty good spot to conceal/protect it.
  6. In your anus.... PREPARE YOUR ANUS!
  7. You can make pipe sock. You make it by cutting off the top of high socks and sewing them together with a needle and thread. I made 2 of them: one for hammer bubbler and one for my pipe.

    I've dropped both of my pieces while in the in the sock from 4 feet on hardwood and they didn't break or chip!

    I definitely recommend making one, it is very useful and effective for safety!
  8. I'm in the same boat as you...just got a small bowl for Christmas (step sister and boy friend) and am very anal about keeping my stuff safe.

    I just bought this today. It should be in in a couple days I'll give a review if you'd like...


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