New Piece. I like.

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by legalize_ganja, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. I like it. Its actually my first real piece. Good size and all, i love the colors. Gonna break it in tomorrow, ive tried taking a hit through it empty and its kinda restricted but Im guessing that will just help me with some dense smoke.

    What do you guys think?



  2. I was expecting a shitty 2nd hand pipe, but I actually really really like that pipe, something that i might buy for 15-20 depending on the thickness. How much did you pay for it? Smoke shops charge way too much, i bet you paid 30 or 35?

    Edit: Thought the title of the thread was "My first pipe" thats why I said i was expecting a shitty 2nd hand.
  3. haha, its got a pretty good thickness. Got it at a shop, they're made there too. It was $24 in all. Not to bad.
  4. Good price, and cool pipe. The smoke shops around here would easily charge 35 for that. Nice buy!
  5. I like the colors red and orange they go great together
  6. Thanks, thats why I picked it. I like the brightness and it just looks warm. or hot. :)
  7. beautiful piece, I love the simplicity and the colors.

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