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New pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Firekidt11, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. #1 Firekidt11, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
  2. Lol I hope that leaf in the top picture wasn't in your sack..
    Looks good for not bein macros. I like the bottom picture.
    How's it smoke?:smoking:
  3. The bud in the first pic is really smoove, hardly feel it. And the leaf was but it was attached to a nug it fell off when I was trying to pull it out lol
  4. Shit looks dank!!

  5. I meant the middle picture, with the two nugs and the odd leaf on the right.
    It might just be me but it doesn't really look like a bud leaf.
  6. It's bud lol.
  7. Hahaha I'm losing it man. Very high, My bad :bongin:
  8. If that guy is packing you leaves. I would bone out on that fool
  9. That leaf is part of a nug... I just grabbed 3 small nugs from the top to take a pic with and that one peeled off so I threw it in the pic anyway.

    Hence the triches on it..

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