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new pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Kenneth420, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. just bought this for $35, idk what strain it is.
    do you guys think it looks ok?

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  2. [quote name='"Kenneth420"']just bought this for $35, idk what strain it is.
    do you guys think it looks ok?[/quote]

    alotta red hairs on it . looks like dank maybe Some sorta kush strain judging by the many red hairs Og kush ?
  3. Nice and hearty pick up for 35 nice nuggets
  4. $35 a g?

    Looks decent, I'd pay $25 maybe $30 a g. No disrespect, that might be a good price for your location.

  5. lol what? thats an eighth he has there at least
  6. [quote name='"Zoticus"']$35 a g?

    Looks decent, I'd pay $25 maybe $30 a g. No disrespect, that might be a good price for your location.[/quote]

    Uhh..where'd you get $35/G from? LOL clearly he's paying 35 for a FAT eigth
    Op: buds look dense, fruity, sativa?

  7. Lmao... If ud pay 30 a g for anything u better be gettin a hooker with it!!

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