New phrases

Discussion in 'General' started by reverendmaynard, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. I don't know about you guys but when me and my boys bake, we tend to make up words on the fly. We have a little dictionary going.

    Do you guys make up terms n shit when you smoke?

    An example is "Shit, man Im just bustin' oats" - kind of like bustin' your chops.
  2. When we were younger a friend and I would get baked in the garage everyday and add to our language that was created from Michael Jackson noises. It soon spread around town and now everyone tries to add to the language, but no one is good as the OG's.

    Playing DOOM yesterday with my neighbor everytime you get overloaded with monsters trying to kill you we call it OD'ing.
    My buddy Timmy calls bud Tooie.
  3. yeah man we do this all the time, except when were in a shop we'll use codewords, and one of my mates came up with replacing smokin weed with 'birdwatching', so we were in an asda store (wal-mart in US) and he turns to me and says, dude, im still on a hell of a buzz from all that birdwatching, but i think we need to go and bust out the BUN-oculars. i was packing tortilla chips into my bag and just burst out laughing. there were tears in my eyes as we walked out the store.

    oh and btw, bun is like a word for smoking weed in england generally used by chavs.

    we were pretty stoned back then, but now when i think about it again its not actually that funny... so why am i posting this

    dude im way too high for the internets


  4. How is that pronounced? Tew-ey? Toy?
  5. my buddy was real burnt out and tired late one night and he turns to me and say:
    " chef goin to sleep"
    i thought it was funny
  6. the very first time i smoked my friends were telling me what "****** lipping" was and i smoked a little and forgot what they called it and made up "cracker smakin" but thats about it

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