New one hitter

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by burtontoker, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Just bought a little one hitter for 10 bucks, what should I name it? Any creative ideas?:smoke:

  2. Reese's or Lion King.. I dunno, the colors just made me think of those two haha.
  3. Reese's is really good. Looks just like my chillum but mines blue. Good pick up man
  4. Haha I have some reese's right here, what a coincidence. That sounds like a stonerish name haahah. I'm so ripped now:smoke: I like it.

    It's pretty thick, nice and sturdy. The bowl is a really nice size, its actually very good for a chillum, nice and fat.

  5. You really shouldnt try and name your piece, it should just come naturally.
    Reeses sounds good because of the color, and considering you have some reeses so i would go with that(reese for short).
  6. yea that name sounds good, but red is right, the best way to name a piece is to use it and then look at it for a while and brainstorm
  7. Yup that's what I'm doing, no need to rush. It will come.:smoke:
  8. ^ Agreed, but lovely chillum my friend.
  9. looks very nice
  10. Good lookin chillum man :smoke:
  11. Waka Flacka Fire

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