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New MN Pickup, Looks Kushy?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by MaximumSativa, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Pretty fresh yummy shit.. No clue what it is, but looks kush like to me? correct me if im wrong.. Anyways its some fire shit tell me what you think!

    Attached Files:

  2. looks fire but its almost impossible to tell strain by pics. There are so many different strains and plenty of strains that look similar too.
  3. looks very nice frosty fresh and dank. let us know how it smokes. lata.
  4. The smoke is actually kinda harsh, got me coughing through a bubbler, but it tastes very fresh and... herbal? idk its good and got me WAAAY high... pretty indica...
  5. Nice buds! :smoking:
    looks like something I smoked recently.

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