New Mighty user just looking for a couple of pointers please!!!

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by fruitbrat, Jan 5, 2019.

  1. Hello!

    I've finally, happily, taken the leap and bought a Mighty! I've had it two days so far and I absolutely love it, however, there is a couple of aspects of it where I'm unsure what to do!

    - When the bowl is finished should you be getting no vapour at all or will you still always get a little because the herbs will just keep cooking past optimal potency?

    - Any tips for filling the dosing capsules? I still got weed everywhere whilst filling them!

    - My main point is the smell. I got it to have mainly late at night when I don't want to go outside for a 'real' smoke (my parents are chill with weed but my mum absolutely despises the smell so 'nothing can be in the house' so I keep everything outside). I've ordered a RYOT bag to keep it all in inside the house, but do you find the smell is less if you take the dosing capsule out of the vape once you've finished? Rather than leaving it inside the vape till your next session?

    - The next point on smell is cleaning. Relative to what I said above, it will be very rare for me to have an opportunity to do a real deep clean of the unit and soak it in alcohol, because of the smell (my mother also has a nose like an absolute bloodhound by the way haha) and I also like to be as low maintenance as possible with cleaning (I only clean my pipe by running really hot water through it!).

    - I've ordered some alcohol wipes and my plan was, to keep giving it a quick brush out every time I take the capsule out and then wipe the bowl, screens and mouthpiece with a wipe every 1/2 days depending on usage. Will it be sufficient to (and how often should I do it smoking around 2ish bowls a day), when needed, take all the CU apart and wipe all that and the rubber seals, etc. with the wipe and be good to go at that? How long could I do that for before you think I would definitely need to give it an actual soak?

    Thank you so much for any answers in advance! Much appreciated!! :)
  2. I can’t answer ur questions since I don’t have one but I’m looking to invest so I got a couple for you...
    #1 how’s the flavor?
    #2 how many hits per bowl?
    #3 how much can you pack in a bowl?
  3. 1. It's normal that when the herb is done that vapor production will begin to stop. The more you vape, the better idea you will have when it is time.

    2. Filling dosing capsules. . Check youtube, I am sure there are more videos :)

    3. I cannot comment on cleaning the Mighty but have you ever smelt the ABV? (already been vaped) it has a sweet smell that resembles nothing like Cannabis. (While you are vaping it, that is a whole different story) So really the smell of the vaporizer itself really won't smell like cannabis. I'm sure there are ways to clean it with say ISO. I'm sure there are some videos or info online that can help :)
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  4. My advice is to always use the dosing capsules it keeps the mighty real clean and cuts down a lot on cleaning . If U use without the dosing caps with too fine a grind u can clog ur screen up messing the airflow up. Choose coarse grind if u don't use the caps but I recommend ALWAYS using caps cause messing up one time can make u have to replace screens .The lids can be a pain the ass to put on but best with them on or else the top screen on cooling unit can get gunked eventually . Also use the brush to clean out after every session to keep the main screen clean holding upside down to prevent any things from the brush falling in cause if u brush hard enough I notice some of the brush can break apart never had a problem but I see potential for one

    I recommend cleaning a lot the alcohol wipe sounds like a good idea if u give the alcohol time to evaporate or u rinse it off with water then dry because I imagine vaping alcohol would taste very bad lol

    Keep it clean as possible then it will work great I kind of fucked my mighty up a bit just from lots of use but when it worked optimally and I kept it clean the vaporizer is great

    Enjoy it's a real nice vape man
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Congratulations on your new vape - I thinks it's one of the best out there!
    I find with mine that there will still be vapor even after all the good stuff is gone. Your AVB should be a nice crunchy brown when done.
    I would also empty your vape once done to help with cleaning.
    Alcohol wipes work well for the bowl but forget them for the cooling unit, you will need to soak in isopropyl alcohol.
  6. My wife likes her's about 265, and great taste around 250.
    When the capsule is finished, you can start getting a bad taste and if you prefer a higher temp, you make start to get smoke.
    Use the cell phone to set different temps and play with it until you find YOU.
  7. I send every Mighty owner I know to these two videos. neither talks about dosing caps very much, though. and I haven't even tried them, now that I think about it...

    here is a funny / cool video from the S&B people themselves
  8. Best tip I can give you is yes, they are incredibly expensive, and yes I fully 100% believe you are getting ripped off but the dosing capsules are a must have and bring the mighty to life. I love mine but I still think about trading it in for a bong full time. Vape highs just can’t compete with smokings pain relief at least for me if you don’t like cleaning vapes then actually the cooling unit is cheap enough to buy and just throw them out when your ready. There like $17 with the coupon code or if u buy the 3 pack a piece.
  9. Ohh and get a bong that’s the one thing I have not tried because my mighty gets very harsh so I’m sure a bong with an adaptor for the migjty will make it that much better

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