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New member/seasoned toker.. check it out (Pics)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by LegitDankz, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 LegitDankz, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Hey guys, although this is my 2nd post I've been searching this forum since I was 14, when I first started smoking. I never registered until now, I am 20 now ( 6 years later.) Been regularly smoking ever since.

    I was reborn again with danks about 3 years ago, and have long said goodbye to KB/Mids, blunts, and tinnies.

    Recently this past summer I traveled to Amsterdam.

    ticket cut out.jpg \
    (I initially went to Portugal, then to Amsterdam, back to Portugal, back home. Only ticket I could find.)

    Will update when I find the list, but I tried roughly (-+) 30ish different strains in about 5 days. Not to mention a mini blue label Roor, a glass bub, all the space cakes, brownies, muffins, and pure joints I could get my hands on. Oh yeah and hash.


    Just a few of our left overs, and at the end of the week we had the entire bag full of goodies away!! Hardest thing I've had to do.


    really small mini RooR.

    I got a 7mm thick, 18" tall straight tubed digital Camo Illadelph last summer as well for around $270.00 ( Hits wonderfully!) w/ diffused white label RooR DS

    teh resz.jpg

    Also just got my hands on a Med. Titanium Space Case Grinder (about 5 days ago.) I got it for $75.00 at my local shop. ( I highly recommend)


    Sorry for any crappy pics. I have a trillion more shots of Amsterdam, sclerotia (sp) space cakes, more nug, more nug, and more nug.

    Thanks for reading and happy toking! I look forward to reading/posting.
  2. Welcome to GC
  3. What did you do with your accumulated stash at the end of the week?? I hope you chiefed it all before leaving.:p
    P.S. I have that same grinder, I also highly recommend it.
  4. #4 LegitDankz, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Nah unfortunately, along with the RooR and the bub had to get tossed. We woke up late for our plane, (previous night was sclerotia) and didn't know what to do with it. It was like 25 bags mostly of shake but some nug. Ranging from anywhere from Martian Mean Green to Black Widow to Blue Cheese. The amount of smoking was ridiculous so no complaints, but it sure was hard to see it go.
  5. I would have stayed another day and blazed the rest of that!

    PS. Nice grinder man!
  6. Ha I wish but after spending about 2000 euros in roughly 5 days on nothing but food, bud, and more bud, we were too broke to stay another day lol.

    The awesomeness of the kief catcher on the grinder is awesome!
  7. +1 for the titanium Space Case. It's a workhorse and has never failed me.

    Welcome to the City!
  8. wait, so u tossed a RooR? :eek:
  9. you shouldve just cleaned the pipes...
  10. i woulda cleaned the bongs, then i would of put the tree all in just one bag and put it in my sock or wear briefs and have it there.
  11. God damn I would have just rolled a fatty on the way to the airport. the roor I'd just ship to myself and hope it makes it.
  12. Wow bro, It kinda sound to me like you tossed a roor!!
    What about the ily?
    You said your an exsperienced smoke but you tossed a MIMI roor?? Aslong as it was cleaned with ISO you would have been fine..
  13. First off like to clarify. I didn't purchase the Mini-RooR it was around 85 euros and the other person I was with purchased it. He didn't want the hassle of dealing with bringing it back, like I said we woke up later our plane. I already had the Illadelph and space is limited.

    Trust me it was a really weird thing to do. We did smoke a fat blunt before leaving, along with multiple pure joints, and some bowls of the roor. We still had some left over.

    It was one of those times where I just wanted to grab everything I could get my hands, with no concern of money. And that is exatley why I ended up having extra.
  14. Updated Illadelph pic....

    This oughta show off the true beauty.

    (before the white label roor DS)

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