New member azweed

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by arizonaweed, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Hi my name is robert im new to the community i turned 18 2 weeks ago i started smoking marjuana when i was 9 cause my dad leaves his joints in the ashtray soone day i decided to to try it and i loved it exept for the paranoia wich is gone now,my favorite kind is AZ-arizona and 2nd is dro-hydro and yah so thats me
  2. Nine years old? Damn, that was a young start. Welcome to Grass City! Lots of groovy folks here to hang out with.
  3. i know and thanks:wave:
  4. #4 tjviperjr, Oct 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2010
    I smoke with 9 year olds .

    dont judge

    Discussion of Getting Children/Animals High is not allowed! 420
  5. lol i rem when a dime could last me a week:smoke: my dad didnt find out till i was 15 and then we would smoke togather:D
  6. "and 2nd is dro-hydro and yah so thats me " oh man Dro hydro huh? is that kinda like super dro weed hydro kush?
  7. Welcome to GC, Robert! That's quite the story... you're dad's a good man. Blaze on. **Nuggs&&Huggs**
  8. haha i didnt start till 14 and didnt get serious until 16-17, im new in az also havent experienced the summer yet but am not looking forward to it unless i can smoke some of that sticky icky lol

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