New Logo?

Discussion in 'General' started by hippie john, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. has anyone noticed the new logo? where grasscity is in white and .com is green?

    is that gonna be on the t-shirts?

    or is there gonna be 2 different kinds?

  2. I noticed that this morning, too.
  3. I was going to say something this morning about it looking different but I thought I was just way too high. :D
  4. hummm i forsee changes commin' up..
  5. AHHHHH CHANGE!!!! i dont mind it.... dont really remember how the old one looked, didnt really pay attention to it... but i knew there was something going on
  6. at the city? .. always..
  7. i think it looks better....
  8. I think it looks good. Man Imagine a real Grass City, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


  9. i've 'seen' changes already... some not for the better.... though i don't know why..... we seem to be missing a bunch of quality members.....

    hopefully any new changes to the city..... would just be an improvement to paradise...
  10. do i see a grow faq coming up?


    *oh oh oh *

    i call the grow room design program:D

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