Okay that's not even the question. The question is HOW. I'm growing with 2 roommates (Yes, I know. I don't want to hear it. It's happening, regardless so keep it to yourself). We have an extra bedroom to dedicate to the grow. It's approximately 8'x8' (Not sure, we're actually signing the lease this week sometime, so I haven't exactly had the opportunity to do more than visit it and take a few pics - ironically, the paint scheme is rather appropriate) So how do y'all think I should go about it? I've grown indoors before, never had a whole room to dedicate to a grow. I was considering building a grow tent (PVC and panda plastic) but the idea of using the whole room...... Issues? Ventilation. How the hell do I ventilate it? I don't own it, I can't cut shit out of the walls/ceiling and ventilate it into the attic or whatever. That's where a tent/cab comes in handy, I can ventiliate directly into the bedroom that way. I was thinking maybe out the window? Is there a safe, discrete way to blow the filtered air out a 2nd floor window? Remember this room would have to be light proof, which means blocking off the window. That alone would be a rather difficult feat without it being obvious I'd imagine. Yeah plywood works, but.... boarded up window? No thanks. I don't even have enough lights to run the whole room, but those can be acquired in due time. My idea is 2 harvests, due to a 6 month short term lease. Grow 'em from seed, keep a mother and flower the rest, and have another set ready for flower by the time those come out. As long as I go with some indica's and don't veg 'em out long I'll manage. And isn't an open room easier to ventilate than a cab? THAT'S what I like about it. Easier to keep the temps in check. Suggestions anyone? About anything. Strains (I'd like to grow Mazar as one, at least), ventilation tips, anything? I'll be growing in a soilless medium. Not hydro (well, technically).
here's the blah blah blah you don't want to hear - 99% chance you will not make it to harvest if you are growing with 2 roommates, and this is your first bigger-than-micro grow too right? doesn't help things....with that said I'll still give you advice anyways, even though this is a stupid idea and you're obviously not considering the situation very carefully if I were you, I would go with a sealed system....there, that's my advice. if you aren't willing to dedicate the time and money for co2/automation then just a tent with the biggest exhaust and carbon filter you can afford and make it normal negative pressure enviro... and once again cash cropping while a newbie to growing = stupid enough cash cropping while living with two roommates = beyond stupid best of luck
I'm with the previous poster, plus doing a whole room on a lease is incredibly sketch. Landlords generally inspect the property at least once a year. You aren't going to be able to tell the owner to stay out of that room for inspection.
Okay, don't take this in the wrong light, I'm just clairifying a few things: This is not a cash crop. I've over 10 successful harvests, not sure if that qualifies as a newb or not. Defintely not my first bigger-than-micro grow. I pulled in ~50 outdoor plants a few years back. Admittably this will be my largest indoor crop (before now, my biggest was 10 plants). I'm down with automation. C02 is out of the question right now, it's just too expensive. My roommate is trying to learn to grow, I've made it VERY clear that NOBODY is to be told about this. I've explained that I will pull the plug if I even THINK someone knows about it. He's very trustworthy (and yes, I know that's where it starts, but there ARE trustworthy people out there). Like I said, I appreciate your concern, but you should consider that maybe, just MAYBE I know what I'm doing and that I've put more than a little thought into it. I do appreciate the advice as well. My original plan was to have my roommate purchase a 400w with a CMH bulb for veg and a 1000 w for flower and (which is what I already have) and I was just going to kind of let him watch what I do, and help him out a bit along the way. The dude just likes smoking good weed too, and is just as sick of all the shady motherfuckers out there these days. He's been wanting to grow for years, but just never got around to it. He's not a "gangsta" or even a dealer of any type, and nor am I. He's just trying to learn a skill that'll come in useful for him for years to come. He wants to learn to do it right, to do it safely, and he's rightfully afraid of getting caught. So can we just assume I know what I'm doing here? Please?
yea man.. bad idea for so many reasons. if your gonna do anything keep it stealth .. you dont own the place.. and im not sure the pictures of that one of a kind paint scheme were such a great idea either... be paranoid and take them down.... edit... just read your last post... i believe you know what your doing.. still i say don't get greedy with the whole room idea . and as for your grow buddy, im sure you have been let down by people before.. dont take that personally at all. your gonna do what you want anyway. im just saying..
Understandable concern, also one of mine. I've requested a 72 hour notice of any visit, and it's being put into the lease. Purposes are due to privacy and the fact that we'd like to have SOMEONE there if anyone's coming around to fix whatever. We need the time to request time off from work, ect. I'd also like to point out that all of my indoor grows have been done on a lease. I ALWAYS make sure I'm allowed a notice before the owner comes over. I'll rent a damn U-haul and put the plants in that if necessary.
And to be perfectly fair, I CAN build a rather large stealth cabinet. Wouldn't be that hard. Like I said, I'm open to suggestions. Hell I'll buy a freakin' grow tent, hang some cameras up and say I'm developing photo's in it.
Grow tents are a nice clean way to go Keeps light from leaking and with a carbon scrubber can lower smell drasticly. Thats my 2 cents Peace