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new job and testing.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by scynt, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Just scored a new gig at 11/$, but my question is do they drug test. It seems kinda stupid to go up to my boss "hey do yalls drug test?" To me that would raise a red flag. Should i just ask fellow employees that look like smokers? No pre employment screening was done.
  2. Oh yeah you know, because we know where you work at we can answer that! How is it a red flag? You have a right to know what they will or will not do...

  3. Your reasoning is spot on. Shouldn't raise a red flag, but the fact of the matter is, it does.
  4. They're already onto you...careful...
  5. Any job that you're making 11/hr I doubt they even care if you smoke.They're not gonna waste money to figure it out.
    But yes, answering the question "where do you work" will help quite a bit.
  6. They probably would've told you already if they were going to drug test you, but you can't be sure.
    You can ask a current employee, which is basically your best bet. Also I would refrain from smoking until the next time you see them, or clear it all up.
  7. First of all, by law they have to inform you about drug testing prior to doing it. Yes, they can drug test you the day they inform you, but they won't. Unless your coming in high every day don't expect to get a drug test.

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