New Jersey Town to Vote on Middle School Drug Tests

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by GardenGrove, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. While I hate the idea of it, I do like how the consequence is nothing short of telling the parents and getting help. Most of these little kids are drinking before they smoke anyway, so I expect it to raise stats for underage drinking over cannabis use

    I sort of like the idea and how it's completely voluntary. If a parent suspects their child might be doing something wrong, they can sign up together. Otherwise everyone else is left alone.

    I say why not? Good for the school to offer help if it's needed.
  2. School's should not be doing this .... If anything they should have mandatory parenting classes, without propaganda or fear mongering I might add, that show facts of alcohol and how they can handle any given situation. I'm only nineteen and have yet to have children of my own, so in the years to come my stance is probably going to change, but I would probably let my child have alcohol after say the age sixteen. I would want my child to be responsible and now how to handle his drink, not be scared shitless then get shit faced and not know what to do.
  3. Because of this, kids are going to be using more hard drugs and alochol
  4. Or going to things they cant get tested for, like huffing.
  5. Drug testing wont do much my old high school tested didn't stop any real potheads only the people that smoke occasionally were scared of getting tested (mostly bitches)
  6. We need good detox drinks, cheap, and widely available. That would be a major blow to this war on drugs..
  7. this is bullshit, if parents really are worried about their kids they should talk to them one to one
  8. I guess alot of parents know they suck at their job. aka Parenting.

    Lets send all our happy kids away!
  9. From my experience with my parents, and other peoples parents, the younger generation of parents are full of spoiled kids who are now adults and cannot handle the stress of dealing with a child.

    @ The Detox comment

    Well as far as I know detoxing will not work unless you fucked with all the fat in your body. It isn't like THC is stored in your colon or something. Your best bet to pass frequent drug tests is to have a lean body type with a body fat percentage that is average, or better yet a bit lower then average. So for guys like 8-10% and women something like 12-15%. That way heavy fluid intake would lower any THC that can be stored in your body to probably below a rating of 10-20 metabolites in one sample.
  10. So.. what weight and what amount of working out to be specific? That information could really help me.
  11. #12 iiLLmatic, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2011
    gross. just disgusting...

    do they realize this is just exposing the kids to drugs more, hence making them WANT to try drugs more?

    or like other said, try experimental drugs that aren't being tested for...thats what its coming to nowadays.

  12. If they want to do drugs, then thats more money. Follow the money trail.

  13. i know, shit is so corrupt. can't wait till the day comes when that blows up

  14. I'm 6'3, 185 pounds, 6% body fat and I can pass a drug test after 3 days by drinking water.

    This is bullshit, but at least the tests aren't mandatory for every student. I'd be much more outraged if that were the case.
  15. pretty soon, you're going to need to take a piss test to cross a bridge. THIS MUST STOP:mad:
  16. #17 I like fishing, Jan 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2011
    This sickens me. "Random" drug tests for kids with long hair, kids that skateboard, ect. Seems to me they just wanna be able to prove kids that look like stoners are stoners. Stupid stereotypes get perpetuated by stupid people like those that run this school. If this passes there will be a generation of children with a higher likelihood alcoholism.

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