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New Jersey Concerns and Questions

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by GalacticBud, Nov 14, 2010.

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  1. I have already read and have been briefed on the Medicinal Marijuana Program in New Jersey. I plan on getting my Medical License when the legislation comes into effect (June or July of 2011 I think).

    The New Jersey law, in a nutshell, says if you're dying you can have the permission. My argument is, "I do NOT want to take pills."

    I've seen many people, even when I was in high school, take advantage of anti-depressants and all that. I am considered to have Depression, or even Bipolar disorder, and have told my doctor I will not accept any sort of pills. My condition is bearable on most days. But I have many episodes. Living in NJ, I am forced to conform to buying from illegal dealers. It's the risk I am willing to take to be a natural, healthy person.

    My question is, "Will New Jersey ever accept Bipolar disorder, sleeping disorders, or pain as grounds for a legal MMJ license?"

  2. they are fighting to reform the law the way it stands now. hopefully it will become less restrictive. as far as your conditions go, I dont know.

  3. Yeah I have been informed of that. I am sure that in the long run, which hopefully isn't too long, it will be considered an alternative medication for ailments across the board.
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