New Indoor Growing Help!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by mosspb, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. So basically as the title says I am new to the growing game. I have an indoor space that is long and narrow, its about 15 feet long and 6 feet wide and has about 6 foot ceilings. Basically I have a few questions.

    1. Dirt or Hydrophonics? Im looking for some medium-high yields and which ever of the two is easier on a new grower. Personally Hydroponics was looking like it appealed to me more, but I decided to get some outside input.

    2. I plan on ordering seeds, what is a good website and what are some good strains that are pretty newbie proof and produce some good yields of some decently dank bud? Personal preference is sativia dominant (I love diesels) but that is not super super important at this stage in my "growing career". As well should I buy feminized seeds, are there any detrimental effects to buying these altered seeds?

    Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it guys :hello:
  2. yield is determined on strain and Watts used... more or less...

    pick a strain and a light and what you get is what you get... work on quality, quantity will come on its own...

    1. I like hydro.. but theres more up front cost... soil is a little more forgiving, but also slower

    2. Attitude seed bank is a good spot, so is nirvana... purchase at your own risk...

    if this is your first grow, just use bag seed...

    and do some sticky reading... this way you won't get flamed for asking redundant questions
  3. I read somewhere that dro in general will yield more if done correctly.. Maybe thats just horse shit but I was wondering that. And yeah I was going to buy a small beginner kit from a gardening store use it, then DIY phonics and just use parts of the kit I bought etc. Either way, thanks for the response
  4. hey i would recomend soil for a few reasons: easier for beginers, cheaper to do soil, more people can help you with soil related problems. i would recommend having 5gal buckets for ea plant. hps lighting on the cieling. attitude is a great website so is nirvana. go to google type the name and add seeds to it. you will have to do more research to make this easier. it is your grow not ours.
  5. word, i was original thinking soil i was going to run 1 hps light and two plants just for the first time round using feminized seeds. There is no detrimental effects on the quality of the plant or anything like that? Btw for further posts I am not asking for what lights, and step by step instructions. All help is great and ill take any and all but i don't wanna be the lazy noob who gets people to plan shit out for him. thx tho :)

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