I have an idea to make hash but I want to see if anyone has done this before or if it even seems reasonable. I have a vaporizer and after a while it is possible to get some incredibly potent wand hash. Using the same idea I think i figured out a great way to make it... I want to take my vaporizer and hook it up to a plexiglass box (kind of like a fishtank). I will let it pump all of the vapor into the box and then just let it sit there for a day or two. Would this then allow the vapor to "settle" (like when the vapor builds up in the wand) so that I could then take a razor blade and scrape the sides of the box to collect the buildup? If so, how pure would this be? Would it be the same purity as wand hash? Thanks GC
I wouldn't call that hash I'd call it vapor res. You'll have much better results if you just make some qwiso with the nugs. (or bho, dry sift etc.)
I though vape res was considered honey hash. and to the OP just vape it and let it build up that way when your dry you can go "SHIT i got honey!!!!!"
Ok, you don't want to waste your vapor like that number one. The efficiency of a vape works best... You guessed it, when inhaled. It takes numerous ounces to collect a good amount of resin inside a wand. The resin is just what cools in the wand, so wasting 2 O's for very little mor isn't worth it. A quarter of crip QWISO 91% got .5g first wash, and another .5g 2nd wash. 45 second wash, bubbled and all. You might be lucky to salvage 1.5 your way IMO.
OP: that works, but its extremely inefficient. Yes it will. There is a huge loss on efficiency, but the final product IS highly concentrated in cannabinoids, with little to no plant matter. The THC content per weight probably more than doubles, while the weight is reduced to a fraction.