NEW IDEA? maybe

Discussion in 'General' started by OCtaFUZZY, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. What if you could drink something like.. juice and still get all the effects of smoking bud..and without the smoke/smell? I think if this happened and became somewhat popular, weed would become much more widely accepted? Also SOO much harder to found out by the popo/parentals/neighbors ect? any ideas?:confused:
  2. nah i wanna smoke my weed not drink it.
  3. Yeah that would be pretty cool. I think that you actually can do this by boiling ground up pot in whole milk or something.
  4. you do realize you can make cookies and brownies.. oh and tea too.
  5. Bhang

    Weed Milk basically.
  6. naaa thats not what i had in mind, sorry. A huge supply of something very appealing to the masses, and would be sold as a soft drink. THC MONSTER FTW!!!
  7. I LOVE MONSTERS! I drink 2-3 Mega MOnsters a day. lol

    A THC monster owuld be INTENSE. So I went into to my liquor store down the street and they had Monster COffee drinks. Like mocha whatever and shit., Anyone try 'em? (not tryin to thread jack)

    They sell marijuana drinks at Cannibus Clubs.
  8. no card no cannabis club! nothings wrong with me to get one! oh and yes mocha monsters are the SHIT!!! but damn i dont know how to decribe what im the idea thats in my head, guess thats what i get for no being stoned but drunk instead:mad:

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