Found a huge Mountain Dew cup in all of our favorite shape and decided it was time that I made a permanent bong. I may end up making a bigger bowl, I'm sure that small one that I have now will end up pissing me off. *FULL SHOT* *BOWL* *BOWL AGAIN* (blurry ) *Cleverly placed shotty in the O for "DO THE DEW"*
hahah I think I got it at sixflags a LONG time ago as some bullshit consolation prize for losing one of the games I wanted that damn 4 foot teddy bear
Affirmative, that would be cool. I think that dude's entry in the homemade piece contest "Elephance" is hilarious.
ahh I totally made one like that ha i have no need for it cause i got glass pipes but it still looks tight diff bowl though
you should have smelled it before i rinsed it out. I wasnt actually 8 if that's what your implying, it was an exaggeration.