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New Here

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Tony thaa Tyga, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Hey everyone! Feel free to call me Tony, that is my name anyway..

    Just a little bit about myself: I'm a Junior in High School, big fan of sports and I play basketball, golf, and football.

    Favorite music artists are Nas, Cyne, Dre, Ghostface Killah, Drake, J. Cole, Khleo, Eminem, Cudi, Cassidy, and many more.

    What do I love to do when I'm high? I love to listen to music (obviously), but even more I love watching football. Call me crazy, but watching a big game when I'm baked with a side of chips and dip is the closest to a Utopia for me.
  2. so basicaly
    " i love eminem, dr dre, and rap while i wear my argyle polo sweater, and play golf."


  3. I mean he's from New Hampshire, what did you expect?
  4. hahahahaha

    quite true
  5. By the by, the misspelled "Villain" in your title.

    Also, welcome to Grass City!
  6. Junior in high school....

  7. Maybe he's special?

  8. riiiight....
  9. my name is Tony also :hello:
  10. The guys in cyne are boys of mine old college buddies from The University of Florida. Big bud smokers and some of the most down to earth folks u will ever meet in your life. Im glad to see they have such a strong underground following and i find it a damn shame thye havent been rewarded for their musical talent.

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