New here!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by CatStoner420, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Came across this page while looking for stoner pictures, so sup? :smoke:
  2. Welcome new blade what ya into smoking, glass, growing?

    Either way we got info on it feel free to pm me any questions!

  3. I smoke Joint's because it the only way I can enjoy some green, I mostly smoke what ever I can get but if I know the person sells shit gear I won't get any from him.

    Thanks for the welcome! and I'll keep that in mind if I need any help.
  4. Cool , grow at all?
  5. Welcome to the City Stoner :smoking:

  6. Nah, I would love to grow my own gear but my area is kinda popular for people to raid houses ahaha but when I move I'll be growing some.

  7. Thanks man! :smoke:

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