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New here, have a quick question

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by bcbudbgnr, May 11, 2011.

  1. hey guys, I'm new here. A little about my and my smokey...I have been smoking RARELY the past year, but have been doing it alot more the past month... one question I have is, if any of you are in the bc area (lower mainland) you know how to obtain a medical marijuana card ? also are there dispensaries around me?

  2. Hey New here. you found this site, i'm sure some digging on the net will answer all your questions.:D
  3. I just did some research and found this website Medical Marijuana

    I filled out the application and I am waiting on their response :D

    hopefully I can get approved...

    I just don't know how I will explain this to my mom... I think she caught me high for the first time the other night, she didn't even get mad...I know she is against weed anyways, least thats what she told me when I was younger... I don't know if/how/when I should talk to her about me smoking...
  4. I think she caught me high for the first time the other night, she didn't even get mad...I know she is against weed anyways, least thats what she told me when I was younger...
  5. #5 Storm Crow, May 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2011
    bc, go to It's a nice Canadian MMJ site (with a great magazine- with back issues on line). The good folks there will walk you through getting legal!

    "I don't know if/how/when I should talk to her about me smoking... "

    Start by clicking that first link in my sig! Before you say anything, you need to learn the medical facts about cannabis! I have the studies that will bust the old MJ myths (gateway, man boobs, causes cancer, etc), and teach you and Mom what a bloomin' miracle cannabis really is! Click the 1st link in my sig, get comfy and just read the titles! EDUCATE YOURSELF!

    After your mind has been blown by what our little "party plant" can do, call Mom over and tell her to "just read the titles". "She is against weed" because she doesn't know the facts- EDUCATE HER!


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