Thanks. There is a pale almost yellowish thing stinking out on the left and a curlier one down and to the right. I'm very paranoid about it though because I've had more than my fair share of hermies in the past.
kinda close to harvest to be worrying about nanners though. Some plants do pop nanners in late flower, called specious staminate flowering, but I believe that's harmless.
hmm... speak a tha devil. I just cropping a plant and look what I found... you can see how its color just stands out.
It looks great. I see nothing either. Bananas are not desirable but if it throws a few seed it's no big deal. It won't be many and it won't hurt the bud.
Great pic . But there not always faded in color . Some look normal as the rest of the plant . Usually faded yellow though. Why a growers should really look closely at a few buds on each plant weekly . Check for bugs or molds as well . And more info nobody cares about have to vent somewhere sorry . I kicked out the woman today . Gave me a guilt trip she spend 500 in a single day i gave here. She needs more pocket cash . GONE !!!! called her an uber had all her stuff packed up.
Its alright . Time for a trade in for the upcoming summer. Should take all of 15 minutes to find a new one .