New here and id like to share my grow.!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Shambles, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. #1 Shambles, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Alright guys I'm here today so i may be able to get some pointers on my set-up. Thanks.

    [quote name='Shambles']Alright guys ive decided to keep a grow journal not only for my own records but also for some advice and pointers on my growing seeing as it is my first time. Well, here we go....

    What i have for equipment is:

    - 600W Metal Halide light.
    - 600W Hortilux High Pressure Sodium light
    - 125 watt florescent light
    - Two 24'' bat wing reflectors.
    - 600Watt HPS ballast that handles MH
    - 6x3x6 grow tent with white/black poly (DIY extend-it closet)
    - 2 mini house fans

    What i have for nutrients:

    - Prop-O-gator plant food for roots 0-3-2 (500ml)
    - Pure blend PRo grow premium natural and organic plant food vegetative formula 3-2-4
    - Fish plus fish fertilizer 100% organic 3-1-1 (1L)
    - Local grow store PH down organic formula (dry)
    - Bat Guano 100% natural (3.8L)

    What i am growing.

    I will be growing 5 "Romulan x Sweek skunk" and 2 "the Purps" along with 2 "God Bud" All Started from seeds.
    Aqquried a clone from a mother plant from a friend on january 16th.

    What i am growing In:

    I will be growing in a homemade ( DIY extend-a-closet) that measures up to 6' x 3' x 6'
    Covered with White/Black Poly Mylar plastic. (the white strip is a zipper) (pics at end of post)


    January 2nd, 2010 : Started all 9 Seedlings, Kept under a 125 watt floresent light consecutivley 24 hours on for exactly two weeks.
    January 16th, 2010 : Aqquaried Clone, Switched to 600 Watt Metal halide light for Seedlings and clone set as 18 Light and 6 Dark.
    January 17th, 2010 : Diluted Prop-O-gator Root growth food and used it in all of the pkants for their watering. (Some dixie cups are almost root bound and need to be transplanted soon)


    I will be updating pictures EVERY sunday on the growth of the seedlings and clones.

    The First day the tent is set up, January 16th, 2010. Seedlings are exactly two weeks old.
    - the tent closed (minor light leaks, the white is only a zipper, not a light leak)

    - The Tent open. ( In about a week i will lower the light another 6 inches )

    - Inside the Tent

    - Sadly, my clone was attacted my my stupid little cats while i was setting up my tent

    - All 6 God bud/ The purps. (Seeds got mis matched so i am unsure which is which)

    - All 3 romulan x Sweet skunk

    - Top Two plants

    - All my nutrients
  2. Looks good man! Trust me i am all to farmiliar with the way that clone looks with the cat wounds lol! No worries though, itll be just fine. Everything looks real healthy though man and it looks like you are on the right path to a sucessful grow. You have all the equipment, and lovely genetics to start out with, i think you will be very pleased.
    Ill keep checking back in to see the progress. Id wait a couple more weeks to let those sprouts get used to that HID and then lower that bulb 5-6 inches at a time given you have the propper air circulation going on in that tent.
  3. What light do u have over the plants in tha pic?
  4. Hey what kind of 600w Mh bulb do you have? Is it a conversion bulb? ur grow looks great. Interested how that romulan turns out. good luck man.:smoking:
  5. I have a 600 Watt Metal Halide Bulb in these pictures.
    i am unsure of the brand of the bulb as of now, i will get back to you on that one.

    another question, what would you guys do to vent the air out?? all i have is 2 mini fans, and it is getting pretty humid and warm in there, wouldnt hurt to vent some of it out, yet i am stumped.
    and help would be great

  6. As far as ventilation, vortex or really any exhaust or input fan does the trick. Cut a hole through the mylar on the top section of the tent and vent that bitch out. It also helps alot to bring fresh air in too. Idealy at the bottom where your plants are. Not too cold though to send them into shock. You can pick put a exhaust or intake fan, really they're pretty much the same at any hardware store. I would stay away from the squirle cages though. Or ebay exhaust fans, typically around 100 bucks a pop but very useful.
  7. Pics??
  8. Sorry i apologize, after reading on forums about security, ive decided to take those pictures down since they were taken from my iphone.

    i have new pictures that are being uploaded right now :)

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