Hello gc So my plants are 42 days from seed. Recently I noticed the top new growth is dropping. All the top branches seem to be falling over, droopy and very soft. It's like the stems are soft and can't hold themselves up. Soil. Happy frog + perlite. Also mixed in roots organic uprising foundation, uprising veg, elemental ( cal/mag) and Oregonism XL. Lights. 4 t5s 54w each Water. Garden hose filtered. I soak them on Wednesdays and Sunday's they receive nutes + 2 gals Nutes. Last feeding they got 5ml Buddha grow, Trinity, Amino-Aide, Ancient Amber mixed with 2 gals of water. Recommend off bottle is 5ml in 1 gal, but I mix it with 2 gals so it's diluted. Temps 60-85 Containers 3 gal smart pots Strain. Mango tango Lots of pics haha. Idk if this is an actual problem or I'm just thinking it is. Leaves all look healthy ... no nute burn or spots. It just seems like the stems can't stay up straight. And some of the big fan leaves just hang down. Any help would be great
It could be over watered. I usually give them 1/2 gallon each twice a week but this past Wednesday I just watered right from the hose and gave them a lot more. Possibly could have been to much.. has also been the only thing I have done different this whole grow too..
I think they look Good! No spots or brown tips, all Growth Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
maybe let em dry out and see if they get better not sure how much drainage you have, but anyway they look good