New Growth End of Flower

Discussion in 'Forum Tech Questions, Problems and Troubleshooting' started by JeezL, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. I have a monkey berries plant that was basically ready at 8 weeks or mix of cloudy amber 60/40 decided to let it go a few days more and now most of trichromes gone and covered in white hair how long does it take this to mature generally
  2. #2 leodicapario, Jul 16, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
    sound like you missed one window of harvest... im guessing it is heavy sativa side or even autos have done this to me,, can wait til they mature further but honestly i like to harvest the first window .. harvest asap IMO you're sacrificing quality for weight on the second window of harvest
    • Agree Agree x 1

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