New Grower Questions/Concerns

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by gman08, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. I planted my seeds on 9-10 at 7am it has been two days (9-12) since planting them and I still have nothing above the soil. I planted two of them one in a small tupperware and one in a solo cup. Neither of them are above the soil yet, Last night I started to move the dirt around on the solo cup to see if I could find the seed. I did find it and it appears that it is still growing just very slowly, I tried to look for the one in the tupperware but I gave up as I forgot which side I put the seed on. I put the seeds about a inch down in both solo cup and tupperware, Normally from what I have read it takes about 2 days to breach the soil. Is this something I should be concerned about? I had to give the tupperware more water this morning as it was dry to the touch all the way down, will it hurt watering it since the seed is still germing in the soil? I didnt use that much just enough to wet the top again and what not. Once I got the plants going I was gonna start a grow thread. Thanks for any and all help even if its just a "well you fucked them" comment. Ill get some pictures up here in a minute of my setup.
  2. You typically only want to plant about a 1/2" below soil line. But your not gonna hurt anything going an inch. It's just gonna take a little longer. They can take a few days to pop up, your good man. Just leave them alone and let them do their thing. They will come up. Did you put drain holes in the Tupperware and solo cup? Your def gonna want those.
  3. Here are a couple of pictures. [​IMG]
  4. That I did, I cut about 15 or so small-medium sized holes on the bottom of the tupperware also on the solo cup. I was starting to think maybe the soil is to heavy for them push through but I doubt thats the case. I used MG organic along with some perlitte (spelled wrong I think) and peat moss.
  5. Well I found my problem with the tupperware one, I started to move the soil around to find it and what do you know there was a rock holding it from growing up. Heres after I took the rock out and a picture of the rock. Damn you Hopefully after tonight it will pop through the soil.

    It is a rock I dropped it on the ground a couple of times to make sure. I covered it back up with very loose soil.

    Solo cup has made it above the soil by a tiny amount.
  6. Stop dicking with your seeds. Tap root is exceptionally fragile a tiny tap of your seed can break it and kill the plant.

    Also ditch the clear plastic container. Light retards root growth.

    Stop watering the soil if its moist its fine. You also dont need any lights on it till the first set of leaves pop on the seedling but the light will keep the soil warm for them which they like.

    Your seeds are taking a while because you planted them deeper then normal. I plant mine about 1/4 of a inch deep.

    Just relax and let them do there thing. Usually grower interference is the leading cause of death of cannabis :) This stuff has been growing on our world longer then humanity has existed as Homo Sapiens.
  7. Did you germinate?

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