Done some research before posting.everything point to nutes deficiency but now IAM a little clueless. Leaves have been slowly yellowing after week 4. No nutes until after week 4. Soil is ocean fresh mixed with happy frog and pearlite. Ph water is 6.3 to 6.4 Using fox farm trio Plant are at week 6 right now.
Mag deficiency. Get some Epsom salt and apply. Happened way to many times to me. First the leaves yellow then brown up then die. On the next grow dont use hot soil, hot soil isnt ratiod for weed, nobody tells you this shit. Use happy frog and amend it with something. Did it with the last grow/ this grow with RESULTS. Shits like coco but it ain't .
OK so I did the same thing ffof mixed with happy frog won't do that again it knocked my ph way off the happy frog bag I tested was at like 4.5 to 5 ph I was doing samething watering at between 6.5 6.8 the highest mine are at week 5 and and also have some defiencies Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
What? If you're watering proper ph the soil shouldn't be so low wth, did you supplement with lime or something to keep the pH down?
No I simply mixed the both and proceeded to water with corrected ph water Sent from my SM-G781U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
would like to thank everyone for their replys. maybe one day i can answer questions on here lol. i always heard of people needing cal mag. will add epsom salt or buy some cal mag though grow big says it has magnesium in it so i thought i didnt need it. using the ocean fresh and happy frog worked well until i needed to feed (my mistakes).my ph run off was 5.8 to 5.9 i thinkin the next one i might experiment half with something new, still got some left overs of fox farm soils
Don't add cal mag, there's enough calcium and nitrogen and iron and whatever else that calmag adds. I just added some Epsom myself and it goes balls deep. 1 table spoon per gallon of water. It makes the water pH 7.1 4-6 drops of white vinegar and it's water time
update plant got alot worse almost all the leafs are yellow, but figured out what i was doing wrong. i was ph water in jugs at 6.4 then i would add nutes. been ph after nutes now hopefully they will still be good for harvest