New grower- need help!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Kayliec49, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. so i'm growing my first plant ever soon and i need alot of help, i'm sure there are a ton of similar threads but i thought making a new one would help me alot more. So i have about 4 seeds and i want to plant them, is there any way i can tell the difference between male/female seed or change the plants to female? And does anyone have any beginner tips for me? thanks.
  2. you cant change a male plant to a female or tell the diff from seeds.

    just read threw this forum there are tons of tips for beginners this site helped me tonssss.

    ill set you in the right path. VVV

    outdoor grow guide

    another outdoor grow guide

    how to harvest and cure your plant(s)

    and another guide to harvest and cure

    anything else?:rolleyes:
  3. Ive heard keeping your seeds in a paper bag with some bannana peels a month before germenation increases the chance of females...
  4. Use a good quality soil mix

    Add ferts every couple waterings. Something high in N (the first number) for veg phase. And something high in P (the second numer) during flowering. Ie 20-10-10 for veg and 7-30-15 for flower.

    Water often, but let the top couple inchs of soil dry out before another watering.

    Get a minimum of 5-8 hours direct sunlight. Morning is best

    Don't freak out over the little things. These plants are fairly resilient.

    The bigger the pot (depth) the better your chances of a tall plant.

    If stealth is an issue a smaller pot 5-10 gallon will keep things shorter.

    Check out the advanced techniques forum

    Read, read, and read different posts and grow logs

    Be patient

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