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new grow any advice?

Discussion in 'General' started by spindle1981, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. #1 spindle1981, Oct 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2014
    Gday guys how r u all :)? New to all of this and just looking for any advice or tips. I have cinderlla 99 green crack amd tangilope about 6 weeks from seed in soil under 600 watt HPS. Dutchbloom veg nutes. Water every second day about 2 litres between the 3 plants. Having slight problem with gnats..... Just put in leds for side lighting and am not sure if this is the best thing or will it hell at all. Not sure of their wattage but have included pics. Thanks fellas. Should I start removing any leaves that are in the way as I have had lots tops grow and have already removed some of the bigger leaves over hanging them to allow them to get light. Cindy 99 is your left as looking at the pic green crack to the right and tangilope over the back. Do they look like close to flowering as this is first time starting from seed and the "veg by week" thing didn't seem rite? Thanks again :)

  2. NO NO never remove leaves mate. I leave mine to drop off by themselfs.
    They are the heart of youre plant, all the goodness comes from those leaves :)

    I do my switch to 12 hours when they are foot and half to two feet tall.

    Sent from my SM-T210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  3. Cheers mate, thanks for the reply ;)

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