New grow and got sick clones from a friend need advice?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by bskballaplaya, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. my friend had brought up three sick clones and we are ring to nurse them back into nice plants... We and in a 4x6 and 6 ft high we are running a 400 watt mh on them now with an 18/6 light cycle. they are in ocean forest soil temps stay between 75-85 F and humidity between 20-40%...Not adding any nutes yet... should what what are my options???

    Attached Files:

  2. I'm guessing under watered and nitrogen def, maybe check the pH as well. Wait for a more experienced growers advice though.

  3. I may be a newb grower but I know that they can definitely be saved.
  4. As charlesCarnage mentionned, check the pH and you should definitely raise the humidity in your box, get it around 60%-70% .

    Good luck man ;)
  5. Thanks for the advice!! i will post more pics in a little... i hope to bring these plants back! i will be keeping a diary as i go along...

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