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New grinder

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by bdk2jw, Jan 22, 2014.


    this is about 3gs worth of bud, hows it look? Also theres a good bit stuck on the screen, is there any way to get it off?
  2. Nickle, Penny, folded up paper. Possibilities are endless.
  3. That is not 3gs lol but still looks like a nice smoke
  4. Razor blade! :)
  5. lul nah i meant after i grinded up around 3gs this is what kief came. Theres a lot more now tho I just left it up in the attic and waited a little and shook it up a bit and theres a ton of kief lol already
  6. Wanna get a bunch of keif? Ya got a 4 piece grinder? Grind you're bud up. Put a nickel in the compartment with the screen where all the weed falls. Put it in the freezer for half hour-hour. Take it out of the freezer and shake like hell. You'll get TONS of keif.I usually grind up about a gram or 2 and do this with it. I get enough keif for a few bowl toppings! Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  7. I use the tiny brush that came with my mflb to brush off my grinder after every use. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  8. [quote name="Dr fumbles" post="19384908" timestamp="1390376443"]I use the tiny brush that came with my mflb to brush off my grinder after every use. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Dr Fumbles knows what's good. That little brush gets right in between the threads where your grinder screws together. You'll find kief stuck under your screen too. I guess any very small brush would do. As for just getting the kief out? Guitar picks are handy.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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