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New Grinder and Good Weed (Pics)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by helloimhigh, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Ok i just picked up this sharpstone grinder, which is awesome as hell. And i picked up some more weed. Tell me what you think about the grinder as in looks i guess and performance if you have one, and tell me how much do you think that big ass bud is? P.S its dense as hell
  2. lol good weed.
  3. that's not good weed....i can see the seeds...nice grinder though
  4. nice grinder buddy!

    stay high :smoking:
  5. That's a bitch'n grinder
    but i see some seeds....
  6. i wouldnt pay 5 dollars for a gram of that lol. the grinder is sick though. i want one that has the crank.

  7. These.
  8. I had some mids that looked exactly like that about a month ago, dense as fuck but tons of seeds, i counted 5 in that nug.

    Nice grinder.
  9. Lol thanx guys, yeah the grinder is fuckin sweet as shit, finally got one haha and yeah weed around here seeds are sucks... but yeah thanx, keep tokin :smoke:
  10. Seeds are good imo, grow your own higher quality :p.
    Sick grinder, dece bud.
    Too many pot snobs on here brah, and thats coming from a man up in BudCounty BC
  11. Go buy a gram of that and when you get .3g weed .7g of seeds maybe you will change your mind.
  12. Seriously man, Thats about what my normal looks like, and it's perfectly fine. IDK How high OP got but I get high off my shit, and it has some seeds :smoke::smoke:
  13. Awesome grinder,seeds are seeds,some places thats all you can get still smokes good and gets you high ,hopefully those who say they will never smoke shit with seeds , will never have to , but to those that all they can get or afford is seed stuff i say toke on and enjoy...........seeds or not... High is high but different highs.....
  14. Its a cool Grinder but of course shitty weed
  15. theres nothing wrong with the weed.....

    i'd smoke that shit...but then again im not a pot snob. :smoke:
  16. There's obviously more weed than seeds in that picture...:rolleyes:
  17. + infinity
  18. A side from the fact that seeds don't mean shit about the bud quality.. yes you find more seeds in mids compared to dank, only because the growers suck more often and don't cut the males before they're pollinated.. I've seen plenty seedy nugs of dank strains.

    I'd smoke that bud, looks like pretty decent mids.
  19. Brick weed!
  20. ive never ever ever found a seed in dank that ive paid 20 a g for. and mids i pay 30 a 1/4 and get about 3 to 4 seeds in the whole 7 grams. and thats in FL.

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