new glass :)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by mikeH420, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. a new bub that i got for $40 anyone think it was worth it cuz i do :smoke:

  2. Thats a nice bubbler you got yourself. IMO it def looks worth the investment :hello:
  3. That is for sure worth it maan:hello:
  4. Looks nice, minus mini penis head mouthpiece
  5. my favorite =) nothing beats a good bubbler
  6. For sure it was worth it.
    I'm sure your going to have some good times with it.

    Something's worth depends on what your willing to pay.

  7. i think the mouthpiece looks kinda cool:smoke:
  8. i like it too kinda looks a little like a mushroom
  9. or a penis.

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