New Glass Bong! (Pictures)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Kaderade, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Bought at $300 bucks this morning. A damn lucky find. I love the attention to detail and craftsmanship.



    5mm thick
    16 inches high
    Ice catcher
    Diffused stem
    Huge bowl





  2. think u might have gotten riped off? Isn't colored glass aways from china?
  3. No man, that thing is bad-ass. I don't know how much it's actually worth, but it really looks awesome! Give us a milk-vid, I wanna see the clouds that smoke-stack makes.

  4. That thing looks pretty nuts, loving the red art and matching bowl.
  5. Honestly, that's one of the best looking bongs I've ever seen and I'm no stranger to bongs.
  6. your thinking of painted glass
  7. Thanks a lot, guys. :D

    It was originally $450, but since it was taking up space and since I knew the guy pretty well, he dropped the price significantly. It was a lucky break; I happened to catch him on a good day.

    It smokes great, and I'll definitely post a milk-rip video as soon as I can. I've been breaking it in with Bubba Kush x Royal Dane.

    Heavenly. :smoking:
  8. Sick Bong dude. I like the shaped bowl.
    A milkshot video would be great
  9. That's gorgeous. I am so jealous! Especially since I just broke my bong and am stuck smoking out an acrylic one.

  10. sick lookin piece... i like the work and the red tubing
    nice toob man:smoking::smoking::wave:
  11. Thanks a ton guys! :)
  12. looks similar with the "faded" bead to eugene oregons hunky dorys.
    or is that just a common one?
  13. Definitely just a common one, my friend. :D

    This has been the only piece I've used today, and it's worked wonders. I'm in love so far.
  14. I dig the ice catcher, but I'm with 200gsr. I wouldn't dish out more than $100 unless it was a brand name, clear glass tube - but it's all about personal preference. I'm sure it rips like a charm! Enjoy your new pick up.
  15. bravo bravo bravo this is beautiful
  16. wait, so you're saying you would rather pay more money for a bong with less artwork?
  17. Thanks peeps.

    And the reason I paid so much was because it's a pretty rare bong; the artwork is very distinct and I splurged on myself a little, also. :D

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