Hello! I'm Emily, a student in Boston. I'm pretty new to smoking weed habitually, I've been smoking every day for about a month now. It's actually improved my quality of life in a huge way! I don't know anyone else who smokes in Boston, which is a bummer, so here I am! Nice to meet all of you, I'm sure I'll post a lot.
He's from Cardigan I've actually only been there once, to visit my grandparents. I'd like to see more of the UK in general.
HI Emily, wow you are brand new to smokin' and you sure did dive in head first with the whole: smokin for a month and now joinin' a forum. I like that you will post alot, well I'll see ya around.... damn I wish i could go to school, what are you takin'? BiZness
Haha yeah...I've been smoking (rarely) since I was about 14, but I started habitually this summer. It's awesome! I smoke about twice a day. I dunno if I've earned the "stoner" title yet, I just joined this forum to meet like-minded people. I'm studying English and biology, but that'll probably change. You should definitely try to get to school however you can, it's great
Hi!! Where in CA? I'm jealous of you, I want to live on the west coast very much...or Hawaii. I can't decide. What's a glasshead?
I'm from northern Cali, in Sonoma County, the next county south of Mendocino. Glasshead=Not just a pothead but really into glass too.
welcome to the city! I'm 15 minutes outside of boston How long have u been going to school here? Are you from mass originally or jst here for school? Hope you have a good year, don't study to hard
I'm from NH originally, so not very far off, haha. Where do you go to school, djrue211? What are you studying? That's awesome!
welcome to the GC, from Ireland! enjoy your time here, glad the herb is doing some good in your life like it is mine!