new gas mask!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by jthesnake0711, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. Just went in on a gas mask with my good friend today and it is crazy. it came with a steam roller to attach to the mask and it rips like no other. Cant wait to break it in more over break
  2. If you don't mind a little cleaning afterward, try duct-taping that motherfucker on to a bong and chilling with the entire bowl to yourself. I've done it a few times with the gray rubber gas mask that looks like a stereotypical alien, the kind that goes over your entire head, and man does it fuck you up. It's kinda scary, especially if you start to have a really bad coughing fit - I highly recommend always having a second person there to light the bowl and help you take the mask off in an emergency if you decide to try this! But it will get you baked like you would not believe : D

    And once you're done with it, just remove the duct tape and use lighter fluid followed by soap and water to remove any sticky residue. Not too bad at all!
  3. Youre rarely ever gonna use it. I bought one aswell and its only good when alot of people are around as a social thing.
  4. I always saw gas masks as something that would be cool to try once or twice but after that its just kinda like.. meh.
  5. yea, they're a cool novelty item. I've got one but I lost the bong attachment a long time ago. Anyone know of a place that sells just the acrylic bong/steam roller attachment? I tried duct taping a piece to it once, and it worked, but i just couldn't get a good seal.
  6. Isn't that how the monkeys that Reagan did testing on for cannabis got brain damage?

  7. hahaha, yea it is! that study was so fucked up... they pumped in an ounce (i think) over about 20 minutes, making it damn near impossible for the monkeys to guys with gas mask bongs, don't smoke an ounce through the gas mask all in one sitting without taking a breather.:p
  8. Well the idea of just breathing smoke like that sounds kind of awful to me so I'll stay away from it... but have fun.:p
  9. i love gas masks! i see them as better if its just yourself or with one other person..cause you gotta give one person a whole bowl and the next person their own bowl otherwise its just annoying. and i only use it with a bong. it will make you smell like SHEEIT just wait for your next shower!
  10. I think that's a lame way to smoke weed. :confused_2:
  11. Isn't the gas mask really dirty for your skin? I mean all that weed smoke touching your face... wash ya face bruh!
  12. damn its like hotboxing your face badness
    if you take in all the smoke b4 u take it off does the room ur smokin in smell?

    I guess a cheaper way of having the same kinda effect of breathing a whole hit in would be to get a balloon an keep breathing smoke in and out till its all gone:hello:
  13. The room still smells cause you're not repeatedly breathing in and out the same air, there's a hole that all the air/smoke goes out when you exhale, so it smells the same as if you were just smoking a bong in your room.
  14. He said it's a steamroller, so theirs a decent sized hole at the end of the tube
  15. grats dude they are fun as fuck, you gotta be careful and i might seriously recommend a spotter each time. The whole purpose of a gas mask is to essentially suffocate yourself on thc and remove the mask for air when you are running outta breath. Not gunna lie I was scared as fuck the first time I hit it, but I also hit it with kief and some earwax on top of the bowl. Also keep your eyes open :D
  16. one time i was hitting the gmb by myself, just chillin in my bathroom, takin a bowl to the dome, and i began to have a coughing fit, and i ripped the gask mask off, but it got stuck in my long ass hair, and i just had to sit there coughing, gas mask hanging off my hair for like 5 minutes. seriously tho, that shit is dangerous, they're not kidding when they recommend a spotter. i could easily see someone passing out from lack of oxygen if they kept the bowl roasting the whole time.

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