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new from VA - 703

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by hapiniss, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. Whats up everyone, glad to be here.

    pce :bongin:
  2. glad to have ya ;)
  3. yo wats 703, im 804
  4. whats with all these people from virginia randomly
  5. lol... I saw the most recent joiners and I was surprised also most are from VA...
  6. Like me!!... WUTS UP WUTS UP!!

    Been up here 4 years Now!
  7. cheifin 703 aswell
  8. Yeaaa boiiiii
  9. 540 here as well

    welcome to the city
  10. where in the 540 are you and whatcha got now bout to go pick up some trainwreck in 30 when i get off
  11. 540 here too

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