New from Chicago

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by abitz, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Howdy everybody.

    I moved to Chicago last year and have been out of work ever since. But I landed me a badass job in December, and I'm finally caught up with bills and all of that bs, so now it's time for the good old green again :D

    ..once I find a connection ofcourse lol
  2. Hey man, what do you smoke out of/from ?
  3. Up until this point I'd either roll a joint or try to make something homemade (constant failure). But this weekend, I'm going to make a visit to one of the many shops around here. I want some glass.
  4. You should check out Secrets..its kinda pricy though. But they got some good deals
  5. Thanks dude. I've heard a little bit about them.. all good. I love lookin' at bongs.
  6. Smoke Dreams off the Wilson red line is IMO the best headshop in the city. They have a sick selection of Illys, Roors, and Medicali bubblers. The guy that works there is hilarious too. Secrets and Novelties and all the headshops on Clark are decent but can be kinda overpriced. People that work at secrets are douchebags too.
  7. Wow I've already got a couple places to check out. Nice. Looks like I'm in a good city for selection lol. I'll definately have to post up what I pick up.
  8. If you're looking for a wide selection definately head over to Clark and Belmont. There are like 10 headshops in a three block radius. It's crazy. Milwaukee Ave in Wicker Park has a good selection too. I think Smoke Dreams is the only headshop in the Wilson area but it's probably my favorite. They don't really have a wide selection though. Their bong game is seriously legit though.

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