New forms of life found in antartic video

Discussion in 'General' started by BongoPeace, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. yea thats pretty neat stuff. giant see spiders and worms... yuk. just another thing to have nightmares about
  2. that's really cool

    I wouldn't think the evolution to those giant sea spiders would be very practical, I mean survival of the fittest folks, a sea spider doesn't sound like that great of a hunter you know?

    just doesn't make sense from a darwin point of view, which makes this all the more interesting

    oh and retro look at this


    a spider that is a foot across? that makes me shudder
  3. That was pretty cool, that marine biologist (or whatever he is) seemed to be realllly into all of the new shit they discovered =P That was pretty funny. Hopefully there will be more information on this soon.
  4. not to mention it has ballsack legs

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