I almost cried with happiness when I saw this little fella...and he was only £5. I'm waiting for my friend to arrive so we can christen him
When I buy the hamster pipe I will! haha Here's the plan moonrat...come to Wales, find my house, smoke with Trunky McTrunkerson
Why is Wales is so far away from here!? I can't even get a bus to take me three hours back home this whole living in America thing is getting old.. I need my own private jet or maybe just a blimp or hot air balloon I can navigate everywhere I need to go. Perhaps an elephant hotair balloon!?
Nice piece but a little lack of creativity with the name don't you think? The gratuitous cleavage shot made up for it though
When I'm smoking with it (t-minus 15 minutes) I'll take pics. I'm struggling to think of a name here, suggestions are more than welcome
I think it's good too! I was meant to take pictures but I got really high instead. Sorry guys, I promise I'll take pics next time. I used to love Babar