[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nByekIx7XXw&NR=1&feature=fvwp]YouTube - New Discovery about the Fabric of Space-Time[/ame] I actually found it quite interesting, these mofos discovered a new wavelength that is stronger then all its predecessors(microwave,xray,gamma,etc). Thus meaning that we should learn lots of new shit about Gravity etcetc.. Oh and btw the scientest lady in this vid talks so fuckin fast and clear, it amazes me Discuss!
Interesting input Led Zepp. When she said they used fermi to observe the two particles, of higher and lower level, arrive at the same time! This means if you were to float away from your spaceship you would feel this gliding feeling and thats it; you would keep at that rate forever, until some bumping occurred. Thus proving Einstein was a boss. Dude light is a speedy speedy gonzalez. If light takes 1year to get somewhere, let alone whatever ridiculous # she said, I'm preeeety sure my mind is blown.
actually really interesting. The lead scientist looks like the lady from British idol or whatever who sang opera and became an internet hit
Yea it was observing a gamma ray burst 7 billion light years away, soooo far away. As for Einstein I dont believe his theories are fully correct. They work in a lot of cases but there is some examples of things not working right. He said that as an object approaches the speed of light its mass increases to infinity. Our particle accelerator has gotten particles to 99% the speed of light and the mass hasn't changed. They are also beginning to find problems with one of his constants. If I have learned anything from math its that a lot of the time there is more than one way to find answers that work for most of the equations. But there is those cases that it doesn't work with. Then theres the true answer that works for all equations. I just think that Einstein figured out a good answer to the problem that solved a few things, but it could be still be totally wrong.. Sorry if this seems wierd I have trouble explaining my high thoughts
Uh, yes the mass does change. That's why they use particular atoms for the different accelerators. they are also only using a very small amount of atoms so that they can handle the speeds and keep them going in a circle. Also the whole reason the LHC uses so much power is to keep the atoms going in the right direction and higher speeds, also why it is such a large circle. I think your making the same mistake everyone else makes. His equations have a realm they are made for (and it covers just about everything) and people try and apply his idea's to things that it isn't made for. Just like at a particular distance you can change an equation to describe something as a sphere to a point the same is true for his equations. It just happens that the transition point is on the edge of what we know about. He didn't go into detail about things like black holes because he thought they would be so rare that we would never see one. The same applies to the quantum world, his equations cover what you can call the middle area of things but we are still learning about the very large and the very small. We will most likely learn about the very small first because it's (oddly enough) easier to see than the very large.
Im not saying that his ideas should work with quantum mechanics or anything. I just thought that there is a possibility his theories are wrong even though they work for what we are applying them to. There could be theories that cover everything relativity does and more. A sort of refined version of relativity if you must, but it could still be totally different. I understand I have a lack of knowledge on the actual equations but I just found this thought intriguing.
hey drpanda thats so vibrant that your into experiencing other perspectives. pandas are cool. shit does happen. i think its nice to receive bright first empressions of you. peace
soooooooo the new discovery .... is basically that our old ideas are more true now? I was expecting to hear something completely different then something i already know.